LAFAYETTE : Friday, April 7

At the Foot of the Cross

5:00 - 9:00 pm

At the Foot of the Cross is a guided journey that walks you through a very real depiction of the suffering that Jesus endured on the cross for all of humanity. Groups will begin their journey every 15 minutes from 5-9pm on Friday, April 7 at Life Church.

Please Note: there will be moments that may not be suitable for young children. If you feel your child is ready to experience this journey, they are welcome to participate at your discretion. KidsLife will not be available during this Good Friday experience

DANVILLE: Sunday, April 9

Sunday Services

9:00 + 10:45 am

Join us for a POWERFUL Easter Sunday at Life Church.  KidsLife will have a special Easter service (Easter Jam) for your kids birth - 5th grade.  There will be fun, games, music, and a powerful message about Jesus.  Plus a special gift for each child.  Let us know you're coming and pre-register via the link below. 

Danville Location
2105 N Bowman Ave
Danville, IL 61834

LAFAYETTE: Sunday,April 9

Sunday Services

9:30 + 11:00 am

Join us for a POWERFUL Easter Sunday at Life Church.  KidsLife will have a special Easter service (Easter Jam) for your kids birth - 5th grade.  There will be fun, games, music, and a powerful message about Jesus.  Plus a special gift for each child.  Let us know you're coming and pre-register via the link below. 

Lafayette Location
1201 Sagamore Parkway N
Lafayette, IN 47904